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Casper Leonard

Name: Casper Leonard

Gender: Masculine Nonbinary

Race/species: English, Vampire

Birthday: March 25, 1940s

Age: Physically 20 (immortal, 80)

Height: 5'8 / 172 cm

Personality: Quiet and Somber

Likes: Scissors, blood, sweet foods, Casimir

Dislikes: Storms, biting people, women, most people

Pronoun: 俺 (ore) & he/they


A quiet and somber vampire who was turned more recently by his lover, Casimir. He prefers cutting into victims with his scissors rather than biting, as using his fangs make his mouth sore. He grew up in a small village, never seen as approachable or friendly until Casimir came into his life. He allowed him to make him a vampire because he trusted him with his life. He uses the pronoun "ore" to make himself sound tougher and therefore less approachable.

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Tripitch VCV Japanese
B3, F#3, E4

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